If you are staying at AF Hotel Pesquera manage your experience booking by calling983 88 12 12 or writing to recepcion@hotelpesquera.com

Right of witgdrawal

For the attention of:

Address: C / REAL, 2 – 47315 PESQUERA DE DUERO (Valladolid) Population: PESQUERA DE DUERO

Telephone: 983870037
Email: info@familiafernandezrivera.com

Data of the good / benefit to withdraw:

No contract / order / invoice:
Contract / order / invoice date:
Date of receipt of the product / service:

Product / service description:

Consumer / user data:

Name: Address: Population: * Telephone: * Email:

(* non mandatory data)

Right of withdrawal:

You may exercise the right of withdrawal within the period of 14 days established by law from the day following the date of a service contract or the day of receipt of a product.

In accordance with article 71 of Law 3/2014, of March 28, which modifies the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, I inform you that I withdraw from the contract of sale of the good / benefit described above within the established term, so I would appreciate contacting me through the contact details provided, to notify me that this request has been made.

Date of request:

Consumer / user signature:

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